Using regionally produced bio-LNG to fuel buses and trucks and help climate protection.

Local fuel for local fleets!
We make heavy commercial vehicles fit for the transport revolution at low cost.

CM Fluids has developed the most pragmatic and environmentally friendly solution for bus operators after the end of diesel buses – ready for immediate use. Convert your fleet to our proven system now!

We offer biogas plant operators a partnership for bio-LNG production as a substitute for regional diesel requirements. Together with you, we are treading the path to the future!

In this way, we close regional loops and help save emissions in mobility. Cost-effective and extremely sustainable!

Overview of our sustainable cycle

For bus operators

Our electric buses produce green electricity on board
  • 800 km range
  • 100 % climate positive
  • refuel in 5 min

For biogas plants

Our solution produces bio-LNG and liquid CO2.
  • directly on site at the biogas plant
  • 100 % Bio LNG from residual materials
  • no investment costs

Together against climate change - our contribution:

„Together we move it“